Maya the princess hero


<b><i>Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess called Maya. Maya loved to have balls and shop in the royal mall to impress the most handsome price of them all prince Eric. Obviously he had a princess girlfriend. She was called Princess Amelia and she was the most prettiest princess around. Maya was so in love with prince Eric that she acts like a normal princess like the others they fall to the ground with hearts in their eyes. Now to celebrate their fifth together they were having a ball. Amelia really liked him so much she does not want him to leave her side. That really bugs Eric. To Maya she seems like she has something suspicious hiding. Maya knows she is not a princess because she did not attend the only princess school there is in the world the first two years. Maya wondered what was she going to wear to the ball so she went to the dress shop to look for something. as she walked in she found Eric looking with Amelia at the most wonderful dress around. Maya knew she had to get that dress because Eric said it is beautiful to Amelia and Amelia agreed but it was to expensive it was £200 and she did not have it so she walked away. Maya ran to the dress and grabbed it before Eric could buy it for Amelia. As the ball began Amelia was now were to be seen Eric looked every were for her. Maya was Coming through the door when she saw Amelia taking the crown jewels. Maya decided to make a trap. She found a long piece of fabric and through it over Amelia. The thief screamed with fear and Prince Eric came rushing to the rescue. Maya told him everything and he could not believe his ears his girlfriend was not a princess but was a criminal released from prison . Prince Eric could not thank Maya so much from saving the crown jewels he would do anything to repay for the amazing thing she did. The next day Prince Eric and Princess Maya were pronounced Girlfriend and Boyfriend . They all lived happily ever after except Amelia.</i> </b><b> <i>The End </i></b>
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