A Night At Chuck-E-Cheese's

Drew Rushline

You decided to have your birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese's this year. After having a blast playing all of the games, the party ended. Kids started to go home because it was getting pretty late. You looked around to try and find your mom, but she wasn't there. Luckily, there were 3 kids with you that also didn't go home yet, and one of them had a cell phone. After calling your mom and his mom, neither one of them picked up. A few seconds later, one of the night guards comes around since Chuck-E-Cheese's is closing soon. You four duck behind a table. Eventually he leaves, and you try to leave with him, but the door is locked. You are now stuck in Chuck-E-Cheese's. What do you do?
Call some more people on the cell phone
Walk around and try to find the keys
Just stay put and see what happens