M Cantrall
You are on duty for a large group of students (your class and two others) during morning recess. It is your job to monitor 60+ students. Normally, there are two teachers outside for recess, but for the moment, you find yourself to be the only one in charge. You carefully monitor all of the students, as well as your watch. You wonder where the other teacher is that should be outside helping you. You notice one of your students that is usually quite active sitting for most of the recess, but due to an argument that breaks out between a couple of students, you are not able to talk with her.
Recess time is over, and the other teacher never does arrive to help you. You get all of the students lined up to go back inside, but after lining up, the students that were arguing earlier are at it again. Only this time, it looks like it is turning into a fight. You definitely could have used the help today.