Hasbro, inc.

Robert Kelley

Founded by Herman, Hilal, and Henry Hassenfeld in the year 1923, Hasbro ( formerly Hassenfeld Brothers ) is an American multinational toy and board game company.
Hasbro's headquarters have been placed in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, the site of the America's first textile mills.
There are a few people to know when it comes to Hasbro. Alfred J. Verrecchia, the chairman; Brian Goldberg, President and CEO; Deborah Thomas, CFO.
Date of incorporation :
Hassenfeld Brothers, 1924
Hasbro, 1968
How does the world view Hasbro?
Ready to learn more?
They're evil!
Listen to Robert, they really are evil.
They're a good company.
Those Communist Bastards!
We've covered all the above points.